• Elemental Navigator

    Curated access to climate technology for corporations, investors and industry partners

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Welcome to the forefront of climate innovation and equitable community engagement. Developed by Elemental Excelerator in collaboration with TK and TK, the Square Partnerships Toolkit is designed to help startups looking to reimagine their approach to collaboration and integrate equity deeply into their operations, ensuring that their innovations not only reduce emissions and other environmental harms but also foster inclusive, resilient growth for all communities.

Elemental’s Square Partnerships Model is a bottom-up approach where startups are encouraged to collaborate with three key stakeholders throughout the project deployment process: the customer, the investor, and the community partner. It guides startups through the process of creating meaningful, lasting relationships with communities by recognizing their needs, values, and contributions. By prioritizing equitable practices, the Square Partnerships model ensures that the fruits of innovation are shared, creating a positive impact that resonates beyond the immediate project scope.

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Welcome to the forefront of climate innovation and equitable community engagement. Developed by Elemental Excelerator in collaboration with TK and TK, the Square Partnerships Toolkit is designed to help startups looking to reimagine their approach to collaboration and integrate equity deeply into their operations, ensuring that their innovations not only reduce emissions and other environmental harms but also foster inclusive, resilient growth for all communities.

Elemental’s Square Partnerships Model is a bottom-up approach where startups are encouraged to collaborate with three key stakeholders throughout the project deployment process: the customer, the investor, and the community partner. It guides startups through the process of creating meaningful, lasting relationships with communities by recognizing their needs, values, and contributions. By prioritizing equitable practices, the Square Partnerships model ensures that the fruits of innovation are shared, creating a positive impact that resonates beyond the immediate project scope.

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Welcome to the forefront of climate innovation and equitable community engagement. Developed by Elemental Excelerator in collaboration with TK and TK, the Square Partnerships Toolkit is designed to help startups looking to reimagine their approach to collaboration and integrate equity deeply into their operations, ensuring that their innovations not only reduce emissions and other environmental harms but also foster inclusive, resilient growth for all communities.

Elemental’s Square Partnerships Model is a bottom-up approach where startups are encouraged to collaborate with three key stakeholders throughout the project deployment process: the customer, the investor, and the community partner. It guides startups through the process of creating meaningful, lasting relationships with communities by recognizing their needs, values, and contributions. By prioritizing equitable practices, the Square Partnerships model ensures that the fruits of innovation are shared, creating a positive impact that resonates beyond the immediate project scope.

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Welcome to the forefront of climate innovation and equitable community engagement. Developed by Elemental Excelerator in collaboration with TK and TK, the Square Partnerships Toolkit is designed to help startups looking to reimagine their approach to collaboration and integrate equity deeply into their operations, ensuring that their innovations not only reduce emissions and other environmental harms but also foster inclusive, resilient growth for all communities.

Elemental’s Square Partnerships Model is a bottom-up approach where startups are encouraged to collaborate with three key stakeholders throughout the project deployment process: the customer, the investor, and the community partner. It guides startups through the process of creating meaningful, lasting relationships with communities by recognizing their needs, values, and contributions. By prioritizing equitable practices, the Square Partnerships model ensures that the fruits of innovation are shared, creating a positive impact that resonates beyond the immediate project scope.

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Additional Module

Elemental provides pre-development capital to Forum Mobility for an electric charging depot at the Port of Long Beach

Elemental’s Square Partnerships Model is a bottom-up approach where startups are encouraged to collaborate with three key stakeholders throughout the project deployment process: the customer, the investor, and the community partner. It guides startups through the process of creating meaningful, lasting relationships with communities by recognizing their needs, values, and contributions. By prioritizing equitable practices, the Square Partnerships model ensures that the fruits of innovation are shared, creating a positive impact that resonates beyond the immediate project scope.


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June 5, 2024



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it's aloha friday, no work til monday

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Pioneers with innovation proof-points and insights into policy barriers, who need to engage policymakers.

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Legislators and regulators who are ready to advance climate and social justice priorities, and are hungry for ideas with concrete data, multi-stakeholder buy-in, and private sector momentum.

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The Elemental Policy Lab

A saavy, nimble collective of policy entrepreneurs who work at the seam of technology and policy. They are designers and implementers who know how to access and navigate local, state, and federal processes and embed reality-based, equity-centred solutions into policies.

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is a testimonial type different

guess we will find out

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should be straightforward?
