• Elemental Navigator

    Curated access to climate technology for corporations, investors and industry partners


Welcome to Scaling to Zero

We have approximately 10 years to reverse the course of climate change. We are both urgent and optimistic in rising to this challenge because entrepreneurs and communities are proving it’s possible.

Here at Elemental, we work with those entrepreneurs and communities every day. The premise of our work is that climate change and social justice are connected – and therefore the solutions have to be as well. We’re a startup accelerator that funds companies working on solutions to the challenges of our changing climate. Not just the environmental challenges, but the economic and social ones too.

We believe in the audacity of entrepreneurs to address climate change and social inequality, not one at a time, but together. And, we know that industries don’t change without entrepreneurs, and our role at Elemental is to help them build companies that take care of our planet and its people – and help the world scale to zero… zero emissions that is.

This Fall, as the pandemic took unexpected twists and turns we found hope and inspiration in the conversations we were having with founders and innovators. So we recorded a handful of interviews with them and are sharing them on this podcast.

So sit back, tap subscribe, and get ready to hear the stories of those who are helping build a better tomorrow.

Welcome to Scaling to Zero!

Dawn Lippert
CEO, Elemental Excelerator

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